Candidate Training Academy

06 Sep

Candidate Training Academy

Candidate Training Academy

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

You're Registered!
Are you interest in running for office?! The Candidate Training Academy gives REALTORS®, REALTOR®-friendly candidates and potential candidates an introduction to and expectation of how run for public office. It is a valuable head start in their political journey and information on how to run successful campaigns.

Who should take this class?
REALTORS® and affiliates who have considered running for public office (city council, planning commission, state legislature, school board, etc.) and want to protect private property rights, support home ownership, and understand the importance of a vibrant business community.

What Will I Learn:
How to: fundraise, plan, and budget for your raise, concisely articulate your reasons for running, leverage social media, get the vote out on election day, what research is helpful and how to get it, what rules govern campaign donations, and much, much more. Special speakers to be announced.